Divide and ConquerSorting and Searching Randomized AlgorithmsGraph SearchShortest PathsData StructuresGreedy AlgorithmsMinimum Spanning TreesDynamic ProgrammingShortest Paths RevisitedNP-Complete Problems
AWS EC2 AWS Lambda AWS S3 SQS SNS Dynamo DBAWS LakeFormationAWS Glue AWS EMR / AWS AuroraAWS Athena AWS RedShift
Docker / Kubernetes / OpenShiftContinuous DeliveryTest Driven DevelopmentContinuous IntegrationBehaviour Driven DevelopmentDevOpsDevSecOps
Docker / Kubernetes / OpenShiftContinuous DeliveryTest Driven DevelopmentContinuous IntegrationBehaviour Driven DevelopmentDevOpsDevSecOps
Back-End DevelopmentREST APIDjango Web FrameworkORM PostgreSQLDjango Rest FrameworkAPIsFull Stack DeveloperDjango AdminPython